I expected to feel proud. I didn’t expect to sob when I caught sight of her.

We’d already been sitting in the auditorium for an hour (with six small children) when the graduation ceremony began. I was pretty sure the fatigue of the day, the soreness in my throat, and the crush of the crowd would keep the moment from being particularly memorable for me. I expected to endure.

Then Pomp & Circumstance exploded into the room, and the faculty began floating down the aisle in their many-colored robes. Suddenly, I felt impressed. Then, the graduates began their parade, and someone in our row said, “There she is, I see her.” Sure enough, shining out above all those other faces was our beautiful first-born. I’d expected to smile and wave when she walked in front of us. I didn’t expect to feel all the joys and sorrows of her life come rushing through my soul and streaming down my face.

I’d planned all week for the specific photo I wanted from this day. One with Felicity in her cap and gown, surrounded by her husband and children. It would match the one of our family when Felicity was the eight year old child and her dad was the gowned graduate. I expected to blog about it, with an emphasis on family tradition.

We got that shot. And it is nice.

But, then, I caught this moment with Dan and Felicity walking down the street together. And suddenly, the best shot of the day had nothing to do with pictures from the past. It had everything to do with the future. With endless possibilities. With Dan and Lici embracing everything God has in store for them in the years ahead. Wonderful things. Adventurous things. Requiring-every-breath-of-your-life-kinds of things.

I expected to celebrate the culmination of something on Saturday afternoon.

I didn’t expect to glimpse the future.